Donnerstag, 30. August 2018

ALL4EARTH- Projekte für eine gemeinsame Welt - projects for one common world

Reine Herzenssache - My hearts desire


Mein Herzensprojekt für eine gemeinsame Welt - my hearts- project for one common world

Ich bin ein Botachafter des Friedens und der Liebe - Gerechtigkeit ist mir ein Anliegen.

I am an ambassador of peace and love - righteousness is very important to me.

To be clear: This will be a non- profit- organisation - but with a straight and very conscious economical leadership. 
We will speak one language and keep what we have promised. 

ALL4EARTH means development / support without frontiers - independent, political - free, transparent...- 
We will advise, accompany, support - mainly those projects, companies, communities, private initiatives, personalities...- which have their targets as follows: 

Ecological  - sustainable
holistic  - healthy 
community - social 

. Only targets - which serves the earth ~ all characters   ~ the resources...- And we prefer the help / support for "people - helping themselves"- this could be an organization, a region, a structure....and means an engagement directly there - know- how - transfer - financial support in a real holistic meaning. 

Who will take part of this new community/organization!? YOU.... YOU...    -     .Machst Du mit bei dieser neuen Gemeinschaft/ Organisation!?

For further informations please call me. 

Thank you

Ralph ( Ralf) Wendling


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